Friday, 20 May 2011

Learning to do 'nothing' and just 'be'

It has been one of those weeks! I have realised that patience is not one of my strong points, and I hate waiting for things or events. For example, there have been hiccoughs and delays with my beautiful new website going live (very frustrating) and finally my new CDs arrived yesterday after what seem like forever! However, having cried, jumped up and down in frustration, I have finally come to the conclusion that this has not made any difference to the outcome, but it has affected I the way I experience  the events in my life. Once I changed my attitude to these holdups, which I could not change, and allowed myself to just "be" I felt much calmer. 

It brought to mind some words of wisdom from Marie Mongan founder of HypnoBirthing that women realise that they have the ability to relax through the first stage of labour, but when it come to the baby's descent and birthing, that is a different ball game. Suddenly they want to know what to do to give birth. Marie Mongans answer is simply 'nothing'. She suggests that using HypnoBirthing 'nothing' works very well. Its natures perfect design from the very outset of our conception.

A pregnant woman does nothing following conception, and during the next 40 weeks a baby develops and grows within her uterus. Life progresses with more changes and development within her mind and body which she trusts implicitly until she enters the medical model in labour. Don't get me wrong, medical intervention at the appropriate time saves lives. However, women are not encouraged to listen to their own body and instincts. Women instinctively turn their birthing over to their bodies and 'zone out' so that their mind with all its fears and preconceived ideas are released. In reality, the only important thing that you need to do is 'nothing' and to just 'be'. Marie Mongan suggests that "we need to stop fixing birth and allow the rhythm and flow of birthing. What women need to master is to be 'out of their minds' so that calm birthing becomes normal and not something extraordinary".

'Your vision becomes clear when you look inside your heart. Who looks outside dreams. Who looks inside awakens' 

Carl Yung

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