Sunday, 17 June 2012

How helpful are affirmations during pregnancy?

Welcome back to my blog. I cannot believe it is nearly a month since I last wrote on my blog, so apologies for the delay! Part of the course content for my hypnobirthing workshop are the benefits of using affirmations, especially in conjunction with visualisations. Therefore, todays blog is all about using affirmations during pregnancy and childbirth.

Your fears, negative thoughts and beliefs can impact on your physical and emotional well being during pregnancy, birth and beyond. However, I believe that simply by repeating simple, positive affirmations daily you can reduce anxiety and stress during your pregnancy and birth.

What are affirmations?
Affirmations are positive statements made in the present tense, which you repeat to yourself daily. The short sentences help you to feel positive about any areas of concern or fear, during pregnancy and in preparation for childbirth. 
A French physician called Emile Coue made the concept of affirmations famous. His most famous affirmation was ‘every day in every way, I am getting better and better.’ Culturally, we are programmed to focus on the negative in our lives and bemoan about the things we don’t want!

How do affirmations work?
Affirmations can program the subconscious mind into thinking positively and in doing so, can attract success and improve your life. It is often underestimated how much impact our emotions have on our bodies. If you are feeling negative, this is reflected in your behaviour and your interpretation of your life.
Our beliefs, thoughts, and the way we think, create our feelings. One very effective way to change the way you think is through the use of affirmations. If we think and speak in a positive way in the present tense we can release our negativity and allow positive healing from a cellular level.

Affirmations for pregnancy and birth
Stress is known as one of the most common causes for complications during labour and birth. Using affirmations can help you to reduce or eliminate stress and negativity and prepare for a calm, and relaxed birth. 
The following affirmations are examples of positive statements that if used repeatedly will help you to feel positive and confident about your baby’s birth.
• Birth is safe for me and for my baby.
• My baby will be born gently and easily.
• My body knows how and when to give birth.
The best way to achieve maximum effect is to say them out loud whilst you are in a relaxed frame of mind. Looking at yourself in a mirror focuses your mind even more. Don’t worry if you feel self -conscious staring at yourself in the mirror as you repeat your affirmations, you will soon get used to it and feel comfortable and more confident as time goes by. This allows your suggestions to pave the route for positive change. Repetition is the secret to success! Try saying your affirmations whenever you have a spare moment.

Write your own affirmations
Tell yourself how great a parent you will be, how strong an individual you are or how you are an empowered conscientious mum. The greater the positivity, the more you will feel confident and ready to tackle motherhood. 
As you await the arrival of your baby, think of the things you feel negative about and turn them into something positive by affirming them. Here are some tips to point you in the right direction.

Amanda’s tips for creating your own positive affirmations:
• Affirmations must always be in the present tense.
• Affirmations should always be a positive statement.
• Wording is important. Replace ‘I want’ with ‘I am’.
• Start with small believable affirmations. As you become more confident increase your goals.
• The most efficient way to implant an affirmation is to repeat it at least 15 times and then forget about it.

Whilst affirmations are powerful and simple to use, wherever and whenever you wish, the effects of using more than one powerful technique such as visualizations at the same time may enhance the outcome. For example, imagine walking in nature as your repeat your affirmation ‘I choose a healthy lifestyle that enhances my health and wellbeing during my pregnancy.’
 Finally, remember these famous words “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” (Napoleon Hill).

Enjoy practicing your affirmations every day and I would love to hear your affirmations and how helpful you found using them during your pregnancy and birth.

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