Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Bonding with your unborn baby - simple steps

Apologies to my blog followers for the long delay in writing my blog. My life has become really busy and sadly things slide even when you really enjoy them, like writing my blog and sharing information. So, the good news is I am back on track and here is my first blog since last year! It is on a subject close to my heart and a big part of my hypnobirthing practice.

Bonding with your unborn baby

Birth is not the beginning of bonding with your baby; it is a continuation of a relationship, which began at the moment of conception! We now know that babies in utero are more aware of how you are feeling, can hear your voice, and touch much earlier than was previously thought. Your baby is already an important member of your family from the early weeks developing and growing within your uterus, just as he is once he has been born.

Babies need to be loved and nurtured, acknowledged by you, your partner, and any siblings. The good news is that it is not rocket science, but very simple every-day techniques. Listed below are several examples of how to bond with your baby on a daily basis, enhancing your relationship with your baby, and your family.

• Massage your abdomen with cream or oil, not only will your skin benefit, but your baby will feel your soothing touch too
• Play games with your baby by responding to his kicks with a gentle tap back, or sway to your favourite music
• Singing songs to your baby and playing soothing music with a slow beat, relaxes both you and your baby. He will remember the music at a subconscious level even after birth
• Talk to your baby about your day, affirming your love and chatting about events in your life (babies have rudimentary hearing from approximately 16 weeks gestation)
• Storytelling is a wonderful way for you, your partner, and all the family to bond with your unborn baby. A bedtime story helps you and your baby to prepare for a good nights sleep
• Keep a journal with all your thoughts, feelings, and pregnancy changes and share them with your baby now and in the future
• Spend time every day in deep relaxation and visualise your baby within your uterus, and communicate at a deep level within, knowing your baby can sense, and respond to your loving message
• Remain positive with daily affirmations written and spoken in the present tense
• Incorporate gentle exercise daily such as walking, yoga and swimming to benefit both your wellbeing and your baby’s too.

Since your baby is aware of everything you feel during pregnancy, this is an opportunity to prepare your baby for a gentle birth and a wonderful life. There is no need to try for perfection, or beat yourself up if you are having an off day. Just remember it’s about love, sharing, and recognizing his or her presence. It’s also about honesty. You can’t hide your feelings from your baby, so just acknowledge that they are there, let your baby know that it’s your “stuff,” not his, and give your baby permission to be a baby, enjoying life within a nurturing environment.

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